“The Evening belonged to Louis Quilico”:
The New York Times
“Louis Quilico sang…with authority, resonance and skill. This fine artist never gives a bad performance. He has power, a wide range. Best of all, Mr. Quilico is a superior musician.”
-Harold Schönberg, The New York Times
New York Post
The Times, London, U.K
“Louis Quilico gave us a demonstration of powerful, controlled singing…His voice possesses that Italianate quality so important in Verdi. An evening of beautiful singing.”
–New York Post
“Mr. Quilico made a terrific impression with his opening cry of “Suo padre”. One sensed an electric thrill around the house.”
-The Times, London, U.K
Opera Canada.
Montreal Gazette
“Quilico’s rich, powerful baritone seems undiminished by the passage of time. Indeed, he makes one wonder how many of his younger colleagues could match his vocal scope and sheer beauty of tone…. Well-known for her career as a solo artist, Petrowska Quilico blends the virtuosity of a concert pianist with the sensitive ear of a masterful accompanist. Some of these works are fiendishly difficult to play but she carries them off with aplomb.”
Opera Canada
Mr. Rigoletto: My Life in Music
“No hanky-panky here: these are real recordings by a very real singer, Louis Quilico. Analekta has issued the commemorative disc to coincide with the 75th birthday of the Montreal-born baritone, who lives in Toronto with his wife, Christina Petrowska Quilico. This pianist-his accompanist-has extended Quilico’s career to a degree worthy of attention from the people at Guiness Book of Records. A sequence of melodies by Duparc, Debussy, Ravel and Faure is fresh, focused and full of music. Quilico could wink and nudge with the best of them. Schubert’s Ave Maria makes an appearance in a lyrical treatment that will make you forget, even if temporarily Pavarotti.”
Arthur Kaptainis, Montreal Gazette
La Presse
Wholenote Magazine

Louis and Christina Quilico in New York recital
Louis Quilico has a voice and presence. Our “Maurice Richard of opera”. Christina Petrowska (Mrs. Quilico) performed prodigies on the piano accompaniment.”
-Claude Gingras, La Presse
Vocal Gems.
This CD was recorded in 1998 by Canada’s most famous musical couple, during a recital performed in Merkin Hall, New York……, in which we get to enjoy the dark richness of Quilico’s voice and songs by Debussy and Duparc where the tenderness between singer and pianist shines through beautifully….For those of us who miss this man’s exquisite voice, this CD provides a most welcome legacy.”
-Diane Wells, Wholenote Magazine
Macleans Magazine
Macleans Magaine

Duca d’Alba, Spoleto
“Quilico seems to have everything a big-time baritone needs, a great rich controlled voice that inspires opera buffs to rush worshipfully to the footlights”
-MacLean’s Magazine
New York Post
New York Post

Louis Quilico as I Pagliacci at the Metropolitan Opera
“Met and New York City Opera baritone Louis Quilico, in the title role was superb, his impressive rich baritone rolling out with splendor and especially so in his most important aria.”
-New York Post
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
“Greatest applause of the evening was reserved for Louis Quilico with his baritone aria “Eri tu”. The house applauded Quilico for several minutes after his beautiful singing of one of Verdi’s finest inspirations. Quilico’s tone has a brilliant resonance.”
-Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
The New Yorker
Winthrop Sargeant

Louis Quilico and Luciano Pavarotti in Rigoletto at the Metropolitan Opera
“I heard Mr. Quilico a number of times, always with pleasure…he made about as fine a Rigoletto as has ever come to my attention.”
-The New Yorker
Philadelphia Inquirer
Washington Post
“Quilico brought vocal and dramatic forthrightness to his portrayal of Renato. His singing of the famous “Eri Tu” as usual stopped the show.”
-Philadelphia Inquirer
“Louis Quilico was a marvelous Scarpia in last night’s Metropolitan Opera Performance of Tosca.”
-Washington Post
The Toronto Star
Winnipeg Free Press
Louis Quilico’s greatness and zest, undiminished”
Less than three months away from his 70th birthday, the great Canadian baritone Louis Quilico is still deeply in love with musicmaking. He also seems very much in love with his wife, distinguished pianist Christina Petrowska Quilico. The program, with the fine, adroit technique of Petrowska Quilico on the piano, was a pleasing mix of emotionally charged music Love and an abiding talent to create fine music: a most happy fella indeed.”
-Robert Crew, The Toronto Star
Singer, pianist in fine form (headline) recital
“For over 25 years Louis Quilico has been eminent among established Canadian-born opera stars of international acclaim….as part of the Viruosi concert series, Quilico showed powers undiminished in a program of familiar operatic arias. He was partnered by his wife Christina Petrowska Quilico, who also took a solo turn in three operatic realizations by Liszt…Liszt’s solo piano paraphrases were notable for Petrowska Quilico’s ability to inject breathing room into what often emerges as a sea of notes. Her “orchestral” backing to Quilico was always assured.”
– James Manishen, Winnipeg Free Press–
San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco Examiner
“Quilico should go down in the books as one of the best Scarpia’s seen…an impressive baritone voice, mellifluous enough and pointed in delivery.”
-San Francisco Examiner
New York Post
New York Post

Louis Quilico as Golaud at the Metropolitan Opera
“The hero of the stage however, was Louis Quilico as Golaud. He was magnificent. His diction was superb, his voice vibrant. Altogether he made a towering figure. In himself he was an evening of histrionic excitement.”
-New York Post